Posts Tagged 'best self defense course'

Self Defense and Bullying

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These days bullying causes serious problems for kids in school. I just heard today about a kid who brought a gun to school and then killed himself. A 14-year-old student at Davidson Middle School in Southgate appears to have committed suicide in an upstairs bathroom this morning using a handgun.
The boy, who was not identified, was alone in a bathroom in the school when sound of a gunshot rang out, according to Southgate Police Detective Sgt. David Fobar and ...

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Extreme close quarters self defense firearms.

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Often times traditional self defense firearms training is conducted at longer distances. As a practical matter, the vast majority of self defense real life applications happens at a very close range. That reality makes for a very different practical close quarter shooting. It becomes critical to stop the threat right away, since the bad guy can continue to function for a while after being shot in a traditional way – center mass. Therefore the instant stopping effect of the head ...

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Firearms Applications for Real Life

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A lot of people nowadays get a concealed pistols license. They go through traditional target shooting type of training, where everything stands still. In real life it doesn’t work like that. The bad guy is moving.
When you stand still, it make s you an easy target.
Realistic training deals with moving targets. You should be moving and shooting at the same time.
Your chances will be much better.
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Fitness Tip

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Just 10 minutes a day of simple user friendly routine can make you lose pounds and get fit.

I just did anther fitness program in the city of Taylor, Wayne County, Michigan.

Being fit is beneficial in all aspects of life, including self defense.

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Benefits of Teaching Children Self Defense

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Self defense for children may be looked at as promoting violence to some, but Lee Shaykhet, Self Defense Expert, says

Children become more confident when they learn self defense. Understanding of self defense concepts actually reduces actual physical confrontations. Children learn discipline and respect. Overall it is a positive experience.

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Self Defense Courses. They are not all the same.

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There are many self defense courses out there.
Most of them use some form of martial arts as a basis. As a result they require a lot of practice at home and doing pretty complicated moves. Practically any self defense course like that is of very little use, since people simlpy can’t do comlicated steps under stress and they are not going to practice.
My self defense courses in Oakland County, West Bloomfield and recently, at Yoga Shelter in Grosse ...

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Self Defense Instinct versus step by step applications

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Instinctive self defense response is the only way a human being can deal with immeadiate and highly stressfull threatenning situation.
The typical self defense training scenarios involve way too many steps. That makes it impossible to apply under stress. That particular concept is usually ignored in training.
Often times traditional self defense training recommends that people practice the steps over and over to develop automatic responce.
As a practical matter, most people will not practice anything. Even if they did, ...

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Punching versus open hand applications

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Traditionally there are punches used in a confrontation. That is what people see n the movies.
Unfortunately movies do not show reality.
It looks impressive, but does it really work? Actually it doesn’t.
The part that is missing is an explanation that the head is very hard. In other words the bone structure of the skull is comprised of thick bone plates to protect the brain.
On the othe hand, bone structure of the hand is comprised of relatively small ...

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Self Defense against mentally unstable people

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The need for effective self defense is greater now than it was for a long time.

One reason for that is the fact that more and more mentally unstable people wound up in the street.
These people are very difficult to control, because of their unpredictability.
They may act normal under some conditions. Then something can set them off and now they are in the world of thir own.

Simple, practical self defense appilactions have to be relevant to deal with people ...

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Self Defense for Kids

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I am in the middle of doing a self defense program for a group of school kids.

There is a lot more awareness of the need for self defense after the terrible events at Sandy Hook school. Ever since Columbine these incidents keep happenning.

Understanding what to do can make a differense between life and death. The training gives kids confidence in their ability to act in order to defend themselves, rather than just be a victim.

Some simple self defense applications provide ...

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